Sunday, September 28, 2008


I love Sunday's! Usually it is a day for rest and spending time with family and friends. Though part of today I spent doing just that the other part I had a mess. This morning before Church I thought I would hang up some clothes in the closet - harmless right - well as I went on to the next job that needed attention I heard a big crash. I knew before I looked what had happened.
I knew that someday that rod would say enough is enough - You have to many clothes - lots that you don't even wear. Get rid someone else could be putting them to good use. So after Church, lunch at Mom's and a friends birthday party I came home to a mess. By the way the birthday party was great - Her girl had a Girls Birthday Band - they were so cute. We had cake and ice cream of course - my kids always love that. Even though Hannah didn't want to leave we had to come home a face the mountain of clothes waiting for us.
It's good to go though things every so often because we really don't realize all the stuff we pile up over time. I think God is just telling me Clean up Get rid and Be happy. Sometimes we can get so cluttered in our lives that we miss out on the joy of living and God's grace. I pray that I will be more thankful, helpful to my friends and joyful. God loves me and you what more do we need.

Keep looking ahead and loving each other
and God will take care of us,

1 comment:

myra said...

WOW! Donna, I'm glad I got back up to read this. I'm having trouble sleeping....again....and have tried to go lay down but to no avail. So I thought fine, I'll just go read up on my blogs while it's quiet. This is the best post I have read in a few days! I know you were just probably thinking to share your day but this just RESONATED with me! I can so total relate and I used to love Sundays too! Saturdays have now taken my first love of day of the week :) Anyway, I hate it when that happens....the rod breaking thing, that is just the pits but it does help me clean things out, a dreaded but much needed task as you said. The Sing Song Birthday Band was the BOMB, that was so fun! That families b-day parties are just unmatched most of the time :) What a great moto: Clean up, Get Rid and Be Happy! I think that's the message God has been sending me for the last 6 months or so it's just taken me alittle while to hear him. I love what you said next "sometimes we can get so cluttered in our lives that we miss out on the joy of living and God's grace." That is very true and very you mind if I quote that from you on my page or send people from my page to read this post of yours? You pretty much summed up my life in your last paragragh and the work God has been doing in us over the last 6plus months...Thank you I need to read this!! Blessings!