Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happenings !!

Well yesterday Kenny was deployed to LA for H-Ike. He left here around 9am we are not sure how long he will be gone but around 2 wks is normal for a deployment. We really miss him. Even though he works alot it's different when he's so far away and we know he is going to be gone for a while. I talked to him today - he's doing good - working 12 hour shifts. He said they are pretty busy so he's workin hard. With Ike's path still up in the air he really doesn't know where he will go or for how long. He keeps me updated though so that makes me feel better at least I know where he is. :) Well here at home we have been trying to keep busy - yesterday was good we went to the fair for lunch and met some friends - walked thru the petting zoo and other animals. Afterwards we went by mom's and the kids went for a swim - I figured it would be to cold soon so why not let em swim. Today on the other hand we have not left the house its like we got up and done a little school work and not much else. The kids have played and had a great time and been pretty good all day but for me I've just been kinda bored and lazy. We all need a day of rest sometimes so today has been my day. Tomorrow we have loads of stuff on our list and I'll be glad to get out of the house and run around alittle. With so much going on this week I don't think I'll be bored and lazy long. ....Fair, Church, School Fair Day and Camping this weekend Yeah!! I'm so excited!!
Thanks for ckecking on us hope your having a wonderful day,

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