Friday, September 5, 2008

Field Trip Day!

Today we went with our local group (WC Christian Homeschoolers) to tour the County Airport.
One of the other moms set this up for the group and we had a great time. We learned about how airplanes fly, work and how they are stored in the hangers. It was lots of fun. Afterwards those that wanted stayed to eat lunch and even some of us that didn't get lunch together stayed around to talk. We joked that we needed the socialization more than our kids did. It was great to just hang out and talk with others going though some of the same issues that we are. Though I LOVE homeschooling and wouldn't change our decision. We still have those days we need alittle support and understanding from others. What better support than others who are also
homeschooling. I thank God that we have the freedom to have a christian group where we can support and love each other. It has been such a blessing to me to have others with the same thoughts and values as me and my family. Without the support and encouragement we get from each other I know for me it would be harder at times to keep up and keep things fun. Its great knowing that there's help and encouragement when I need it. Well enough about that! We had a great time today! This afternoon we played at the jungle jym for hours - the kids loved playing with there friends and I had a great time visiting with other moms. As you can probably tell we didn't make it to any book work today but that's ok. We worked hard all week and had a play day today. That's the great thing about homeschooling everyday is a learning day even if we don't open a book. Lots of things can be learned on field trips and playing with friends.
I'll be writing this down as another great homeschooling day for us. Though its not been perfert - what is - I've loved every minute with the kids today. That's what matters most anyway right.
God Bless,

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