Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 5 of our St. Louis Trip

Our day at the City Museum!
This place was great we loved it so much we got there at 9am and closed it down at 5pm.
They would have stayed longer if they would have let us!

At this time we had no idea what we were getting into.
But we were ready to get started.
This was one cool slide !!

Art - I really enjoyed this and we have some really cool stuff to bring home.
We worked with clay, paint and collage.

Portraits !

Hannah on the Tiny Town Train !

This kinda stuff was everywhere I didn't even try this one!

Spiral, Spiral, and more Spiral.
We went up and slid all the down.
I was just excited I didn't have to go all the way
back down after climbing all the way up.

Hannah loved the Stingrays!

This is 10 stories of craziness and fun.
We spent about 2hours climbing, sliding and climbing some more.

Their were 2 airplanes to go through.

I don't even know how many stories this slide is but
I didn't go down it - but the kids thought it was great!

This is the highest point of the MonstroCity.
Crazy kids loved every minute of it.

The Caves!
Walkways, slides, stairs, holes to climb in - this area was so crazy I couldn't keep up with the kids. They would start one way and come out and surprise me somewhere else.
Brady loved it - except the tight squeezes.

This is on our way out after 8 hours of play and fun we were wore out!

Believe it or not this is not even a taste of the cool stuff to do and see at the museum. I have lots more pictures and still missed some great shots but if you ever visit St. Louis you have to visit this place. It is downtown on 15th Street.
After walking 10 blocks both ways to the museum and playing
all day we went back to the hotel and where the kids swam and I rested.
I wish we could travel more and take in all the wonderful sites.
But our time here is almost over and we will be heading home in a couple of days so it will be back to the real world - which is fine we can't live in vacation world forever.
I will tell you more as I have time to post...........
Today we went to the Top of the Gateway Arch and road the
Tom Sawyer on the mighty Mississippi River and .............

1 comment:


WOW!! I wish I could of been there - Looks like alot of fun - Taylor & Ashley would absolutely love that place!!!!!!!!!!