Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday !!!

It has been crazy around here lately.

After taking some time off for Thanksgiving we hit the books today. The kids worked hard playing and schooling. I hope to get alot of work in this week because I know the closer it get to Christmas the harder it is to sit down and work.

The Wii game has been working great for behavior - All I have to do is say "Would you like me to pull your Wii Card". They have had lots of fun bowling, playing baseball and Hannah loves the boxing. She gets her workout and has fun at the same time.

Well I'm off the wrap some more presents. Until I remember someone that I forgot on my list I have all my presents and almost have them wrapped. Yea!
I love the Christmas Season - well maybe not the cold but the JOY of the season.

Merry Christmas!

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