Thursday, December 24, 2009

Here's a poem I heard and wanted to share......

The Priceless Christmas Gift

Now Christmas is a season

for joy and merrymaking,
A time for gifts and presents,
for giving and for taking...
A festive, friendly happy time
when everyone is gay -
But have we ever really felt
the greatness of the day...
For through the centuries the world
has wandered far away
From the beauty and the meaning
of the Holy Christmas Day...
For Christmas is a heavenly gift
that only God can give,
It's ours just for the asking,
for as long as we shall live...
It can't be bought or bartered,
it can't be won or sold,
It doesn't cost a penny
and it's worth far more than gold...
It isn't bright and gleaming
for eager eyes to see,
It can't be wrapped in tinsel
or placed beneath a tree...
It isn't soft and shimmering
for reaching hands to touch,
Or some expensive luxury
you've wanted very much...
For the priceless Gift of Christmas
is meant just for the heart
And we receive it only
when we become a part
Of the kingdom and the glory
which is ours to freely take,
For God sent the Holy Christ Child
at Christmas for our sake.

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